
Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Public Awakens

We need a few more incidents like Gordon Fraser and Nova Scotia's Turkey Trauma to get the public fully awake and aware.

Gordon Fraser, in his Nova Scotia butcher shop, has been
stopped from butchering turkeys after more than 34 years.
Photo: CBC News
I had previously blogged about the Nova Scotia small rural butcher, Gordon Fraser, who has been butchering and an abattoir for 34 year without incident (see here, here, here, here,and here).

In one recent article by CBC News about Gordon Fraser being shut down from processing turkeys any more, the article attracted 15 comments from the public.

I find it interesting that all 15 comments are in support of Gordon Fraser.

When was the last issue that 100% of the public's opinion was in support of something?

With the 5,000 signatures on the MLA's petition to the Nova Scotia Legislature, will it be enough to turn the tide against the millionaire monopolists, in favor of small, safe, affordable, and local agriculture?

If not, the LIberal Government had better watch out.  This could soon become an election issue, if not in Nova Scotia, perhaps all across Canada.

Canadians are awakening, slow but sure, from their long deep sleep.  Like a grumpy bear coming out of their den in Spring, the government had better ensure that they have been doing the right things while the bear slept.

The consequences could be deadly.

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