
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Why Join SFPFC?

Our latest new member to Small Flockers was asked why they joined.  Here is the conversation for all the world to see.  The names of the innocent have been redacted so as to protect their privacy, and save them from possible retaliation by the Chicken Mafia, the governments, or others.

Here is what our newest member said:
"I received your email confirming receipt of my membership in 'Small Flock Poultry Farmers of Canada'.
For your ready reference, I would advise my interest in supporting your endeavors is multi-fold and I suspect too extensive to fully express here at this time. For the sake of brevity, I would advise that my recent research into the food production systems has revealed some startling information which absolutely astounds me. While this organization deals specifically with chickens, the same kinds of frightening practices and regulations seem to infect virtually all sectors of our food production system.
In a nutshell, I have decided there is far too much corruption, deceit, unnecessary regulation, protectionism, and excessive costs  in the industry. Additionally, the quality of our food is affecting not only my health but that of all people and perhaps all life on the planet. I believe this is the direct result of my assuming that the information previously released to me was sound but it now appears I have been incredibly deceived along with the masses.
Consequently, I fully support your efforts to return the rights of individuals to freely engage in the production, processing, sale, and consumption of the food they choose to eat without anyone having to give them such authority other than themselves. Moreover, the responsibility for profit by any producer lies only in their ability to conscientiously provide a valuable product or service to another individual with the freedom to so choose. 
As far as I am concerned, supply management is no more than an excuse for monopoly and high prices. All free markets have what is called a market clearing price. Poor producers, in any market, are soon removed by the market and that is the only regulation required.
Thank you for the opportunity to express these very important opinions."

I think that is very well said.  SFPFC collects the finest people from all over the world, in this case from a major city in Ontario.

For all those interested, here are the redacted version of the email conversation with SFPFC's newest member on their reasons for joining SFPFC..

The above feedback from our members is why SFPFC struggles on, against huge and powerful forces.

We will soon be tested at our greatest challenge.  We will depend on truth and justice.  We hope and pray that the Tribunal will save us from flashy legal trickery, erroneous assumptions, brute force, and monied interests.

Hopefully might does not make right.

On May 14, 2014
truth and justice 
power and privilege

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